What’s your reason?

What’s your reason for fighting to save kids from trafficking and sexual exploitation? We would love to hear your story and potentially share it if given permission below!
(leave blank if you would like to submit your story anonymously)
Share your story, in however many words you would like, about why you have chosen to be a Freedom Fighter by helping rescue kids and keeping them free. What’s your reason and how has it impacted your life?
Do we have your permission to share your story? (on our website, social platforms, at events, etc.)
Note: it is not guaranteed that every story submitted will be shared
If yes, please enter your desired email address in case we need to contact you

Do you have any photos, video and/or audio to go with your story? (Examples: photos from your fundraiser, a short video of you sharing your why, a photo of you, a photo of your business that helps rescue kids, a voice memo you captured, etc.)
Max. file size: 8 MB.
Max. file size: 8 MB.
Max. file size: 8 MB.