Eight children rescued from sex trafficking in Kenya

Eight children between 10 and 17 years old were rescued from sexual exploitation in Kenya.

In addition to the eight sexually exploited children, two younger girls, 7 and 8 years old, were rescued preemptively from situations that put them in immediate risk of trafficking or abuse. All the children enrolled in Freedom Plans as they entered our Community Care program to begin their journey on the road toward recovery, stability and safety. You can read about the integral part small businesses play in our Community Care strategy on our blog.

Rescue Update Archive

21 kids rescued in Kenya

21 children, 17 girls and four boys, were rescued from sex trafficking and exploitation

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12 Children free from exploitation in Kenya

All the children have been enrolled in Freedom Plans to begin a new, brighter chapter in their lives.

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89 people rescued from international labor trafficking

89 people are now home after suffering incredible brutality at the hands of international traffickers in Asia.

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10 Children Free from Exploitation and Working Toward Freedom!

Ten children in South Asia have been rescued from sexual exploitation and enrolled in Freedom Plans.

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68 Rescued from Human Traffickers at the Nepal Border

Border agents stopped traffickers from luring 68 people out of Nepal.

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Nearly three quarters of the victims met their traffickers online, mostly on Facebook. The criminals built relationships with their targets and then, after figuring out their needs, offered them romantic relationships, false jobs or even trips to see relatives that lived across the border. Thanks to our border agents, these people will never see what REALLY awaited them on the other side.