In Uganda, 36 survivors are ready to spread their wings after finishing their vocational training and graduating from community care late last month.

The girls – who upskilled in our reintegration program – are now prepared to become hairdressers and entrepreneurs, launching tailoring and second-hand clothing businesses in the country. 

Core fundamentals
In our program, survivors received counseling, specialized classes and vocational training as they journeyed on their individual paths to freedom.

Counseling is foundational to survivors’ time in our program. Counselors work intentionally with girls and sometimes their families. Our staff is adept at handling trauma as well as helping families find relational healing together.

All of the 36 survivors attended classes, set in a strategic order, focusing on trauma rehabilitation, discipleship then practical business philosophies. 

After this time to heal and mature, the girls were presented with vocational training options and chose a skill that best suited them. The most common choices in this region are tailoring, hairdressing and selling second-hand clothes.

Our program offers multiple tailoring classes led by professionals in the community. Survivors began the training by learning the basics of sewing and progressed quickly into proficient seamstresses.

Each graduate who pursued hairdressing was given a salon kit to fuel her next endeavors. The kit included a washing station, chairs, extensions, tools, hair products and a mirror.

Second-hand clothes
While we will refrain from unpacking the overall impact of the fast-fashion industry in this story, we will acknowledge the second-hand clothing commerce that exists because of it in Uganda. Girls drawn to sales and style are trained by staff to start clothing businesses.

A few survivors paired up to start second-hand clothing shops and some are venturing out on their own. A few are collaborating with their friends in the tailoring program to sell hand-made items alongside the used garments.


The work continues
Destiny Rescue is proud of these 36 brave and resilient girls stepping into their new careers. As we encourage them on their journeys, our team continues to pour into the survivors who are currently in our program.

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