
Trafficker Tactics Around the World

Learn how traffickers trap their victims.

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Jungle Escape

Ruth worked through the dead of night in a jungle full of dangerous animals.

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Providing Care for Trafficking Survivors Affected by Trauma

Faces that once seemed incapable of smiling now light up a room.

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Mealea’s Choice

When a family emergency forced Mealea to choose between herself and her family, we offered a third option.

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What is Grooming? 3 Ways Traffickers Ensnare Children

What begins as a seemingly innocent friendship often ends in tragedy.

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Top 4 Most Unforgettable Raids

Rescue work leaves a mark on agents—and there are some rescue operations they’ll never be able to forget.

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What happens after rescue?

A successful rescue doesn’t end when a child is removed from exploitation. That event is only the first step in a process that will help her stay free.

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Sisters Exit the Sex Trade, Turn Back to Save Others

After months of hard work, Sophea was finally free from exploitation. But that wasn’t enough: her little sister still faced abusers every night in the bar.

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Rescue in broad daylight

Dedicated agents and caseworkers are making a difference in Cambodia

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The three secrets behind a successful covert rescue

It's not easy rescuing girls making "lots of money" at bars.

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