Those were the opening words written by Shona, who proudly shared about her life since accepting our agent’s offer of rescue and choosing freedom from a life of sexual exploitation.

As a young girl in Zimbabwe, Shona dreamed of being a nurse. Sadly, she was forced into sexual exploitation for mere survival—to afford basic necessities such as food and shelter for her and her infant child.

Shona didn’t have the opportunity to complete enough of her education to pursue a nursing program, and basic education often requires an enrollment fee in Zimbabwe. 

For children trapped in the living nightmare of exploitation, there is little to look forward to in life and often no hope for the future. Destiny Rescue exists to restore sexually exploited children’s hope—and that restoration of hope is precisely what happened for Shona. 

Shona and her infant son came into our care when she was 17. She is now fulfilling her childhood dream: she was accepted into a nursing assistance program and works at a local hospital. 

“It has been a blessing to have a reason to get up in the morning,” she said.

Shona dressed in nursing uniform

Children who enter our care may also receive additional assistance, such as food packs, as part of their individualized Freedom Plan. Freedom Plans are designed to assist each child for up to two years and ensure they are able to continue to live free of exploitation.

Shona shared how thankful she was to receive this assistance. “On a monthly basis, I receive food packages that make a huge difference in my diet,” she said. “The food packages have been a relief for me and my son.”

Not only has Shona pursued a career where she can serve others, but she also volunteers at a local nursing home. “I have learnt to give as I have been given much,” Shona said.

Life has really changed for me. I’m proud of what I’ve become; I can now see light at the end of the tunnel.”

Her name has been changed to protect her identity.

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Help fund life-changing empowerment.

Your donation can fund education and economic opportunities to help keep her free.

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Over the last three years, 81.8% of every dollar we spent was used for programs that benefit the children we defend.

Destiny Rescue is recognized by Guidestar, Charity Navigator and the Better Business Bureau for our commitment to transparency, accountability and financial integrity.

Guidestar Platinum Seal of Transparency 2020 Charity Navigator 100/100

We are grateful for your generosity and promise to use your donation in the most effective way possible. All donations designated for specific funds will be applied to those projects and to administering the gifts. At least 80 percent of your designated gift will go to programs that defend kids. Gifts that cannot be used for a particular project, due to over or under-funding, will be directed to Destiny Rescue’s most urgent needs. Contributions are solicited with the understanding that Destiny Rescue has control over the use of all donated funds.