14 rescued in 2 undisclosed Asian countries

13 children in two countries are now free from sexual exploitation!

A 14- and 17-year-old were freed during raids, which also led to the rescue of an 18-year-old girl. 11 other children between 13 and 17 years old chose freedom during undercover operations.

For the safety of our agents and survivors, we currently can’t go public with these two countries. But that doesn’t stop our team from relentlessly seeking out and saving exploited kids. To get a closer look at the heart of our Freedom Fighters, read more on our blog.

Rescue Update Archive

7 Children Rescued; Kidnapping Victims Among those Rescued from Sexual Exploitation

Seven children were rescued from abusers during multiple operations with law enforcement in the Dominican Republic.

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Our agents helped local law enforcement investigate the crimes and rescue the children. Two children had been kidnapped and forced into commercial sex work; one of them returned home to her family and another has been referred to a Christian recovery shelter. The other five children were victims of sex abuse in the home. They were all returned home safely after the abusers were arrested.

24 Survivors in Africa on the Road toward Freedom!

24 survivors from Zimbabwe and Kenya are taking their first steps in freedom from exploitation.

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All but two of the survivors were children. Most were forced into selling their bodies to survive, but now that they’ve enrolled in our post-rescue programming, our compassionate teams are equipping them to live free.

5 Rescued in Raid; One Offers to Help Future Operations!

Five victims were rescued alongside law enforcement in the Philippines.

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One 19-year-old was rescued with four children, all of whom were 14 or 15 years old. Our agents helped build the case and assisted with the raid as law enforcement swept in and arrested three traffickers. Those rescued, groomed and conditioned by their traffickers, were at first upset about the arrests before later warming to our caseworkers. One even said she’d like to help survivors like herself feel calm and safe during future rescue operations!

14 Children Rescued from Online Exploitation in Thailand

Two cases led to the rescue of 14 children, the youngest of whom was just 6 years old.

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All the children were girls under 14 years old. Tragically, OSEC (online sexual exploitation of children) offenders tend to target younger victims, and we see that play out in our rescue operations. Some children were referred to shelters to begin healing from the trauma they’ve endured, while others returned home after the operation.

5 Kids Free from Exploitation in Cambodia

5 girls started Freedom Plans after being rescued from sexual exploitation.

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The girls were between 13 and 17 years old. Now that they’ve been enrolled in life-changing Freedom Plans, they’ll be equipped to move forward from the trauma they suffered and live free. You can read more about how children end up being exploited in Cambodia here:

Sisters Exit the Sex Trade – Destiny Rescue